We Make 100% REAL™ Human Quality Controls No One Else Can
The QCs we make are in a category of their own. We offer the freshest, purest, highest-quality urine, blood and serum on the market. Whatever you need for testing, we can help.

Blank Matrices
Make Control — we offer 100% REAL™ human blank matrices and lab-created specialty blank matrices you can use as a foundation for creating your own QC reference materials.

Stock Quality Controls
Take Control — find what you need off-the-shelf with our wide selection of urine, blood, serum and oral fluid QCs with hundreds of different analyte combinations for routine testing, available even in low volumes.

Custom Quality Controls
Create Control — we can develop customized QCs to your needs with analytes and concentrations spiked to your exact specifications for emergent testing and the development of LDTs.

Quality Control Tech Support
Maintain Control — before and after the sale, we offer design support in developing QCs and troubleshooting analyte recovery issues.